My, My summer is here
isnt it!! If you thought I was having a shopping spree at
Alco you were wrong. Yes our van has been parked at
alco for a week, but not by choice. I lost our keys somewhere in that store. We searched that store up and down without any luck-I even had the best finders in America looking (My mom and Brian
Lehmann) with no luck. When we bought the van we did have 2 spare keys made -little did we know that they would not start the ignition-only open the doors.
Apparently the original key has a "chip" in it. After giving up looking for the keys, Jasper got the VIN number and all the info that he would need to call the Honda company and get us a new key sent-OH NO not that easy----------we had to have our van towed to Topeka and then they would program the new keys to work with the van.
Ok, so its going to take at least an hour to get this van to Topeka with a tow truck-not fun, and not cheap either. Not once did my husband have harsh words to say or complain about the stupid thing I did -he
didnt even call me any bad names (not that I thought he would, but I deserved it) Anyway,
Im very thankful that we have the van back and hopefully I can find me a bright orange key chain of some sort and we wont have to go through this again. Thanks
There is still a reward out there if you find the keys--------not that I really need them, just wondering where they could be-I dont think they will even work!! Thankfully it only had a van key on it and nothing else (oh and a country mart card)