Friday, July 10, 2009

its a...............pearly white

this is my best shot......there really is a tooth in there-we had been waiting for one to come in the bottom, but the top popped through first!! yea!!

Monday, July 6, 2009


Ok, so I love Paula Deen. For those of you who dont know her, she is a cook on the food network. I'm having a hard time not watching her since we decided to disconnect our TV-have had serious thoughts about connecting it again, will keep you updated to see what happens!?!?!? I especially loved her show where she cooked a hotdog in a half a stick of butter and ate it.......oh I miss her. Anyway, my sister-in-law got me a subscription to her magazine a few years ago, which I've been waiting for her to renew-I guess she's not going to do it. Paula sent this in the mail the other day so decided I just needed to get her magazine again!! We will be reunited soon Paula.........I want you back too!!