Thursday, March 4, 2010


Run and Hide if you see this crew comming down the street. I believe that they are replacing the gas lines (they wont come to the door and tell you). They will come and destroy your yard. A few months ago they dug a hole in the front yard, and I thought WOW if thats all they have to do to replace our gas lines we have it pretty good. Well, they are back again and up to no good. They dug a couple of holes and apparently they were in the wrong place because they covered them up 1/2 way and are digging a huge trench today. They are driving around my yard like its the Indy 500 (isnt that some kind of race?). To get up your curb, like the picture above, they will first try spinning out kicking up as much grass and mud as possible. If that doesnt work they will take a running start and almost fly through your house once they finally get up. You better be about done boys-I got some reseeding to do.


Kara said...

What's up with this? I have seen lots of dirt in people's yard. That's just mean!

Nikki said...

I sure hope they stop at your block!

Anonymous said...

You now have me scared. We have yellow gas flags running from the house down to the street. Of course they are placed in landscaped areas as well. Lovely. Thanks for the warning. Mandy