Wednesday, September 22, 2010

almost wordless....

*NOTE TO SELF: never feel sad that you dont have a wordless wednesday to share-your kids will give you one.


Linda said...

Oh, G! What did you clean his mouth out with?

The Frazee's said...

Dear Anonymous,
You are hilarious, you should reveal yourself.

Kara said...

I hope he liked er clean!

Kara said...

I hope he liked er clean!

The Frazee's said...

Bh2-what else?

FAS said...

If you're tryin' to figure out who that anonymous person is, it's probably a kinda older type of fellar, cause that phrase was coined a long time age, in the early 80's!!!!

vwiese said...

sick! I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Jas said...

o vikkie--come on now-