Monday, September 13, 2010

Never say never.....

Never. That's what I said when some friends said their kid was going out for 3rd grade tackle football. What I was thinking was "All these moron parents who think they have to do everything." Why in the world would you want to start so early? We never touched a football or volleyball until 7th grade. After some discussion, we decided to give it a try. It has been alot of fun for Andrew and he has learned alot about how the game is played. The coaches seem to be doing a great job of teaching them and not getting to fired up. So, never say never or it will come back to bite you in the butt!!


Kara said...

When I read your subject, I thought you were going to say you were going to have a baby! dang it, I was wrong.

The Frazee's said...

kara i should come over and slap you right now for writting that--shame shame!!

The Frazee's said...

you say your sorry right now!! :)

Jamie Bahr said...

I think Kara was right need another baby and quit all this crazy football talk! Girls don't get hurt playing football.