Even if your a sneaky snake reader...get yourself a google account and vote. Every vote matters here folks...the site meter on my blog doesn't lie...I know I have readers that care about which glasses my husband chooses. I want to see at least 15 votes. That includes you Marguerite.





I vote #5--you know the mug shot pic?! Junior here, says #5, too.
First of all that shirt is so ugly I can't help but not like any of the glasses b/c of the poor shirt choice. But, it's for a good cause- I'll vote. I think I like #2. I don't consider myself a glasses expert but I think either 1 or 2. They are pretty similar it looks like.
They all look really nice on Jas though!
Don't you love all the nonposters....geez!
I say #1 w/#5 second - I was hoping we were voting on hair:)
Kiley says #2 but she sayed first that she did not like any of them b/c there was no pink and none of them said silly man?! Did not know if there was an age limit on the voting or not...
Kara-GO HAWKS-yea why that that people like to snoop into our lives and act like we don't know,i mean this is some serious personal information that we give out on here:)
miranda-i will give an exception to the princess-she gets to vote as many times as she would like :)
So G-with all the money you are saving on phone bills, I would just find the one with the highest price and then go with it. I think I like #5 or #6, and as for that personal info....you live in Sabetha so everyone already knows everything there is to know about you anyway, and probably know it before you do!
jamie you are so right-nosy people trying nto get into my business :)i did look at the price and actually liked the cheaper ones anyway--i miss your updates on FB---you need to blog, i think i told you that before--you can have privacy settings--come on now girl
apparently I can not multitask and spell correctly...Kiley said #5 this time - peer presure is getting to her:)
I vote #1 or #5.
jenny i love that you have come out and revealed yourself...doesnt it feel good? did you know leapfrog now has a upper and lower case video out? have you seen it? thanks to you jack now can reconize all his letters and knows all the sounds to them.
Ok, Frazees, I am one of those snoopy ones checking in on your personal business! First of all, I have to agree with Kara - choice of shirt is questionable, but I do like glasses #2. My question is -how did you ever get him to sit still for all those choices!!
Kara's M-in-L, Kathie :.)
i had just given him his ADD medicine for the day....otherwise he would not have been able to sit still for all those picts'--and by the way you are not one of those checking out my personal business-i already knew you were a blog addict :) have a great day----
Eye vote phive, two!
Yeah.....so glad I'm no longer sneaking around on your blog!! :)Now that I'm admitting that I regularly check your blog, you'd better keep something interesting coming.
I'll have to check out that video for my kiddos.
I vote for number 1!
I like the yellow ones your son is wearing!! yeah...those would look awesome on Jas.
man, you anonymous people are like roaches comming out of the woodwork-maybe we need to start a blog readers anonymous :)
What was the final decision on this deal?
p.s. Got 2 new kids down on da farm, but Anna Smackem' is still with donkey!
You better have taken my glasses recommendation, or I ain't never votin' on nothin' else--and I mean it! Annnddd, I'm gonna turn into a sneaky snake to boot!
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