A few years back Andrew was asking about santa, we figured telling him the truth and the real meaning of Christmas was much more important. After loosing his first tooth, the question about the tooth fairy came up and we had a talk about the tooth fairy. The funny part about all of this is that he knows the truth, put still likes to play the part of not knowing-which is almost funner for Jas and I. I mean really, we wake up on Christmas morning and see the cookies that were laid out, cookie crumbles, and a cup of milk that is partially gone- whats not to believe? Well back to the tooth fairy, he lost this tooth on Monday morning, but forgot to put it under his pillow-so the tooth fairy couldn't come that night. Last night the tooth fairy just plum forgot-anyway who wants to get out of bed and go upstairs in the middle of the night and exchange it for a few coins? I'm sure he will try again tonight and hopefully we will remember. I mean what are you supposed to do with those teeth anyway (after saving the first one). Jas tried to throw his last one away and I about had a coronary -I mean really, you cant save all of those teeth YUCK-hopefully he never puts away our laundry, because I have a stash of teeth in my underwear drawer.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Conversation Between to Brothers
Last night as I was preparing supper, Andrew was emptying out the dishwasher, and Tyse was setting the table (see below) Andrew starts up this conversation out of the blue.
Andrew: (very serious)--Tyse, you just wait until you have a little brother
Tyse: huh? (really has no clue that Andrew is talking to him-he's occupied with setting the table)
Andrew: When he comes then you will start getting into lots of trouble
end of conversation
It makes me laugh when Andrew is having a conversation with Tyse, because he talks to him in a super serious way (we dont see that alot) and Tyse will start to get real serious too. FUN FUN
Andrew: (very serious)--Tyse, you just wait until you have a little brother
Tyse: huh? (really has no clue that Andrew is talking to him-he's occupied with setting the table)
Andrew: When he comes then you will start getting into lots of trouble
end of conversation
It makes me laugh when Andrew is having a conversation with Tyse, because he talks to him in a super serious way (we dont see that alot) and Tyse will start to get real serious too. FUN FUN
Monday, December 15, 2008
Merry Christmas
Ok, so every year I decide that we are going to send out christmas cards. This was going to be the year, I had my mind set, we were really going to get a great picture. It didn't even have to be great- just one that looked a bit civilized (like just letting the lights peacefully dangle over them instead of sticking them up their nose)....here was our failed attempt. Anyway, Merry Christmas to everyone!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Smelly Markers
I'm sure some of you get a bit tired of seeing pictures of the boys....well just stop looking then, because that's about all we have on our camera :)
Crayola makes some markers that smell, I thought they would be fun for Andrew to guess what they smelled like. Tyse doesn't realize that there are only a few in the package that smell...so he will smell a few and then go to the bathroom, look in the mirror and say uh-oh.
Crayola makes some markers that smell, I thought they would be fun for Andrew to guess what they smelled like. Tyse doesn't realize that there are only a few in the package that smell...so he will smell a few and then go to the bathroom, look in the mirror and say uh-oh.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Happy 18th Birthday Jill!!
Jill (and Doug) celebrated their birthdays on Sat., what a great time we had. Happy Birthday Sister!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
A full week off.....
Jasper had the week off, it was great to have an extra hand around the house. Here are a couple of the things he accomplished.
He made a guitar for Tyse. Im really not sure who loved it more, him or Tyse-he was especially proud of himself for making it!!

We had a fun week with Jas home all week, but the time has come-you must go back...
He made a guitar for Tyse. Im really not sure who loved it more, him or Tyse-he was especially proud of himself for making it!!
No, this is not milk that they are drinking out of a bag............its white chocolate. I was going to make some chocolate covered pretzels and Jas decided that it would be fun for him and Tyse to do together............I went out to check on them and this is what they were doing. Luckly they were done with the job.
We had a fun week with Jas home all week, but the time has come-you must go back...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Andrew was SUPPOSED to be making his bed-all of a sudden I hear "DRAMA" happening upstairs. I ignored it at first-we seem to have lots of drama around here. It started sounding a bit more serious than the usual- so I thought I'd better check it out (with my camera) and found this. I'm really not sure what he was trying to do-crawl through the window of the tool bench, I guess. We got all calmed down and Andrew back to making his bed. I head down to start supper and all of a sudden I hear Andrew yell this...Tyse your going to kill yourself...I run up the stairs as fast as I can (at 35 weeks pregnant, not a pretty sight) And I find Tyse trying the same thing......Oh Dear......are you serious....did you not just see your brothers problems when he tried this trick? You know Tyse was thinking just like any other man---Im going to try the exact same thing and hopefully get a different outcome...:) Love these Boys!!!!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
LET IT SNOW..........
Andrew was much more excited than Jas or I when he woke up this weekend to find snow outside....Tyse quickly learned that he didn't want to miss out either. I'm afraid that winter is here- although it is supposed to get up to 54 today (35 tomorrow and more snow)
Friday, November 28, 2008
Not able to get alot of pictures at this gathering-there are a few more kids to keep up with. Jaspers aunt Peg (the one in the red shirt) did alot of the cooking this year, because her diet is limited-it was very yummy and I dont even want to know how many hours she spent cooking......and bringing her "special" ingredients for all of us to eat and enjoy too..THANKS
Andrew loves to tease Josy (Jills Dog) here Josy gets to tease Andrew
Enjoying an after dinner mint with Grandma!!
Ok-so somewhere in the last couple of years Dad has discovered quite a few new concoctions-not sure of the names, but all are geared around health and healthy eating-I guess it made him feel better to read an "Alternatives" magazine after eating mashed potatoes, pie and all the other good stuff.
Tyse finishing up the second part of his meal-in a dog cage---
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Last weekend we headed to Topeka because my cousin needed to do an assessment on Andrew for school - he is on his way to be a nurse. Well, we had a few hours to kill, so Asha had the wise idea to go to the coffee shop that her "friend" works at. We thought she was crazy: Tyse and a coffee shop should not be in the same sentence-but it was fun and Tyse enjoyed drinking hot cocoa. He also enjoyed picking out some yummy cheesecake.......Good Times.........

hmmmmmmmm.....they look so yummy

Getting some great advice
hmmmmmmmm.....they look so yummy
Getting some great advice
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tent Fun !!!
Andrew and Tyse actually play pretty well together-until Andrew gets out little Legos or something of that sort. They love to make a tent together-well, Andrew makes the tent (out of the bunk beds) and accuses Tyse of being lazy. They both end up having a great time!! Here is a picture of them in their fort.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Just in case you cant tell what this is...its a peach pit in our bathroom sink. Andrew shoved a peach seed in the overflow drain of the sink, not to mention that there is a trash can just a few feet away from the sink. Why, I have no idea, I think that it probably took more energy to shove that seed in the hole than it would have to just throw it away. I think it will forever be there- we cant seem to get it out. FUNNY BOYS!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Ear Infections
Tyse had been a little under the weather for a full week. What we thought was a small cold ended up being two full fledged ear infections. He had none of the "normal" symptoms of an ear infection-except for a low grade fever. No pulling at the ears..nothing. We went out and bought a vicks vaporizer, thinking that would help clear up his cough faster-nope....try again...we thought we would try and wait it out, over the weekend, thinking it was a virus and a doctor wasn't going to be able to do anything for us. Friday, after his nap he woke up with a massive amount of ear wax coming out of his ears (yea i know gross) then I knew exactly what the problem was.....his ear infection had gotten so bad that it had "popped." Off we were to the clinic. Sure enough he had a double ear infection and I had no clue. We are all very thankful to have a happy, healthy boy back....nothing is better than healthy children and a husband that is always willing to lend a hand after a day full of listening to wining, crying and feeling completely helpless.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The first photo, Tyse just had gotten out of the of tub, jammies on teeth brushed, I went to do something super quick and there he was back in the tub...not the worst thing that could have happened, just not in the plan. As for going potty, one night when my mom was over she thought he should go to the bathroom before he got in the tub, so now here we are going potty again. As for potty training, it would be nice to have it done before the next arrives, but from previous go arounds with potty training-its probably going to be a bit yet before that happens-its best to do in the summer time-especially with boys.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
This is one sign around our house that its about time to bring up the heating blankets. Andrew typically wears close to nothing to bed, but on this particular night he found these red socks and has worn them every night since. They actually keep my feet really warm he says. So, if you have cold feet at night go and get you some of these socks at bath and body works and your cold feet problem will be solved.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I'm horrible about keeping extra things like toothpaste, extra toothbrushes, q-tips and that kind of stuff around the house. I don't think to get more until we are completely out. It usually isn't a problem until it comes to cleaning supplies. A few years ago we decided to go all "natural" when it comes to cleaning supplies, so I cleaned out under my sink, all the pinesol, clorox. bleach and all the other toxins (like Andrew would say). Our solution was to use shaklee, I use the same stuff for everything, toilet, floor, walls and shower-its wonderful. The other day I had to buy some clorox wipes, because we running out of our shaklee solution and we hadn't even ordered it. When I opened the bottle I remembered why we got rid of it- the smell, gave me a headach and Andrew was asking why we have "toxins" back in the house. I was so excited to see the UPS man come to teh door with a brand new bottle of Shaklee.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Musta had a hard day!!
Typically after a shower, Andrew does his normal toothbrushing, singing and making faces in the mirror. We heard the shower shut off and a few minutes later we heard.......nothing, complete silence, which usually isn't a good thing. So, after investigating we found him asleep on the bathroom floor.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
It Finally Happened
We knew it was comming. Tyse figured out how to climb out of his bed, something Andrew never even tried to do. I was all about buying a "crib net," ok its basically a baby jail for the crib, Jas thought that was absolutely NOT necessary (of course he's not the one that's home all day) After a 45 minute go around of putting him back in bed and lots of tantrums I finally won, he slept for 2 1/2 hours that day and has not tried to climb out since. Well, actually today at nap time he acted like he was going to climb out, but made a good choice of laying down instead!! YEA MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! Jas you were right, I'm glad we never bought that jail!!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Getting supper together is sometimes interesting. Unless I have something cooking in the crockpot its hard telling what will happen while I'm cooking. Andrew likes to help cook or he will find something productive to do (usually). On the other hand there is Mr. Tyse Quincy who isnt into helping much, he would much rather....well on these particular days he helped himself to a brick of cheese and later some chocolate to wash it down. What a pill.
Friday, October 3, 2008
A must watch video
Just a warning, this is a bit more serious that the rest of our blog has been. Gianna Jessen is the speaker and she is an abortion survivor, that has an amazing story about life. I saw this on another blog and thought she was worth watching. It is about 10 minutes long.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Marshmallow Garden
The other day Andrew was reading in one of his books about this farmer that everyone teased. This farmer wore flip flops and shorts unlike other farmers, and while other farmers were planting corn and beans he was working on a marshmallow garden. Andrew of course wanted to try it. In the mist of getting all the ingredients together, I over heard Andrew talking about it with Jas-I could tell Jas thought this was the most ridiculous thing to try-so I stepped in and said "of course you should try it". Jasper wanted to give Andrew all the scientific reasons that this was NOT going to work. A few days later we were off to plant the marshmallow garden. The steps are very simple, pump air into the ground with a hand pump and then sprinkle with powered sugar, wait over night for your marshmallows to pop through the ground and enjoy eating them. Here are a few pictures, getting air into the ground, sprinkling powered sugar and then getting up early to see if his experiment worked. He said the marshmallows tasted like the regular ones, he just had to cut off some dirt. Kids are fun. Some day he will look back on this and laugh...probably be mad at me for not telling him it really wasn't possible.

Friday, September 26, 2008
The Famous Doozer Dog
This is what my dear lovely had for lunch, its called a doozer dog. The picture doesnt really give it justice, to how big it is, almost a foot in length and 3-4 inches in diameter. Im all for a hotdog once in awhile, if its grilled and 100% beef with tons of mustard, ketchup and relish. On top of the doozer dog there is cheese and chili. So if you want to see how fast you can get a heart attack go and get yourself one of these famous doozer dogs.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A farmers Luck....Right B4 harvest season
Jaspers parents had a barn fire on Tuesday morning. Thankfully, no one was hurt. Thanks also to the fireman and everyone that helped clean up, everything was cleaned up by the end of the day. WOW!! Here are a couple pictures of a Tractor and baler-not sure whats going on with the gatorade in the tractor, I cant imagine that it would have survived-someone must have thrown it it there. :)
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